We Are Welcoming New Patients!

Dr Dorcas Heap is welcoming new patients! If you are new to the area or seeking a GP, please contact our lovely receptionists on 4096 5999.

Our doctors are dedicated to providing a comprehensive health service. All initial appointments consist of 15 minutes with one of our friendly nurses to set up your file, followed by 30 minutes with your doctor to discuss health history as well as any present concerns. Because of this, a new patient appointment is $145.00 (with $80.10 rebate). Due to the high demand for GP services, we require confirmation of attendance prior to the appointment day. Non-attendance attracts a fee of $145.00 (non-rebatable).

Please speak to our reception staff if you have any questions.

Coronavirus Health Alert

If you have flu like symptoms e.g. fever, cough, sore throat and/or shortness of breath or have travelled outside North Queensland in the past 14 days or had contact with a confirmed case of Coronavirus, contact us prior to attending an appointment.


Consultations with a doctor are by appointment. Urgent medical needs will be prioritised. Please let reception staff know when booking if your problem requires immediate attention.

If you have multiple problems to discuss or more complex issues, it is important to book a long appointment. Please inform reception at the time of booking if you think this may be necessary. Our doctors will try to manage your main issue in a single appointment, but it may be necessary to have a second appointment to cover separate issues or for follow-up.

For continuity, we encourage you to request your preferred doctor when you make your appointment.

Booking Appointments

If you would like to book an appointment please call us on 07 4096 5999 so that we can discuss and determine an appropriate appointment type for your needs. 

In an Emergency consider calling an ambulance on ‘000’ or present to the Accident and Emergency Department at Atherton Hospital

Appointment Procedure

A standard appointment is 15 minutes. Booking a long appointment (30 minutes) is important for more complex problems, insurance medicals or counselling. Please inform reception at the time of booking if you think this may be necessary.

We always prioritise urgent conditions and will do our best to accommodate your needs.

New Patient Appointments

New patients will require a 30 minute appointment. You must confirm the appointment 1 day prior or else it will be cancelled. Non-attendance will result in a $150 fee.


Please notify us 1 hour prior if you are unable to attend an appointment. When a patient does not attend 2 appointments without sufficient notice a fee will be charged. To avoid this please cancel as soon as possible, so that we can reallocate the appointment and make you a new one.

Home Visits

Home visits can be arranged in the Malanda area for patients of the practice under certain circumstances. This service is reserved for those whose condition prevents them from attending the surgery and appointments are made at the doctor’s discretion. If you require a home visit, please contact the medical centre early in the morning to arrange.


If more than one person from your family wishes to see the doctor, please request a separate appointment for each family member.

After-hours and Emergency

For after-hours advice, call 1343 2584 (13HEALTH)

In an emergency dial 000.

Eacham Medical Centre provides after hours services by arrangement for patients requiring palliative care and for residents of Malanda Ozcare Nursing Home and Atherton Carinya Home for the Aged.


We are a private billing practice.  The fees listed do not include extra fees that may be incurred in the course of your consultation.

To receive your Medicare rebate in a timely fashion ensure your bank details are registered with Medicare.

All Aged Pensioners and children under 16 years will be charged a full fee appointment once yearly. Thereafter these patients will be bulk-billed for the next 12 months.

There is an out of pocket expense for procedures done in the treatment room.

Medicare does not cover certain kinds of consultation.  These include:

  • Travel Medicine
  • WorkCover Issues
  • Commercial Driver’s License

For more information on fees and services, please call reception.

Fee Schedule

Please note that we are a private practice and payment is required at each consultation

Consultation Type Fee Medicare Rebate Out of Pocket
Standard Consultation

Concession Card Holders







Long Consultation

Concession Card Holders







Extended Consultation

Concession Card Holders







Book Appointment

Health check at Eacham Medical Centre


It is your responsibility to ensure you follow-up test results, particularly when practice staff or your doctor stress that you do this.  Ask reception staff about the best way to go about it.

Reminder system

Because we are committed to preventative care, we may send you an occasional reminder by text regarding health services appropriate to your care.  If you wish to opt out of this, please let us know.


This practice protects your personal health information to ensure it is only available to authorised staff members for the intended purposes and to comply with the Privacy Act.


We strive to improve for your benefit and feedback is always welcome.

From time to time Eacham Medical Centre invites patients to complete a questionnaire regarding our practice. These questionnaires are completely de-identified and confidential and help us to identify ways to improve our services.

If you  are unhappy about any aspects of our service, please ask to see the Practice Manager who will be more than happy to listen to you, or discuss the issue directly with your doctor. Alternatively please email any concerns to: reception@eachammedicalcentre.com.au

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Health Assessments

Over 75’s Health Assessments – These are offered annually to all of our patients aged 75 and older.  Our nurses will conduct the initial assessment, and this will be followed up with a doctors appointment.

45-49 year old health check – Everyone in this age group is entitled to a thorough check-up to screen for some of the major diseases and health risk factors.

Indigenous health assessments – These are offered annually to indigenous people to screen for the development of diabetes, and other serious conditions.

Please call our Reception staff if you are interested in arranging one of these bulk-billed services.

Care Plans

People with a chronic disease may benefit from having a Care Plan.  This assists us to keep track of your care and also can assist with access to some other health providers. Many of your visits that are part of your Care Plan are Bulk Billed.

Nursing Home Care

Our doctors visit Ozcare Malanda Nursing Home and Atherton Carinya Home for the Aged.

Closing the Gap-Indigenous Health

We are part of the Closing the Gap program which aims to improve the health of Indigenous Australians.  Please inform reception if you are of Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander origin.

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